Hi there! I’m a manager/owner of a local home service business by day, an aspiring entrepreneur in the moonlight.


I spent most of the years building my business the hard way.

Spending a lot of marketing money for very little return on investment.

Running ads, hiring marketing agencies, and having ads in both phone books all

seemed to be rigged by the system to keep small businesses broke and struggling.

Until One Day I woke Up

I decided to learn from the master lead generator of all time, Google on how to

build my business page and entire website to rank high on the online search results.

As of this date I have not had to run any ads for this business in over 5 years.


Allow my network of professionals to help your business in many ways!

contact me today->  allen@allenblankenship.com


I live in Huntsville, Alabama, and have a spoiled five-pound chihuahua girl named Closee, I love to golf (and gettin’ caught in the sunshine 🙂


Allen Blankenship